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B.Sc Systems Engineering and Design, Conc. Computer Science
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

Fullstack Academy of Code
Chicago, IL
Rigorous software engineering immersive program focused on fullstack web
development using the NERDS stack


University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign - Web Extensions
Web Developer
Integrated Docker into applications for cross platform compatibility
Created interactive web applications using Google Maps API and React.js
Integrated React.js frontend with Drupal CMS for enhanced customizable web applications

Frontend Developer
Rendered components for ticketing options using React.js across multiple viewports
Integrated real time analytics, Google AdWords, for conversion tracking
Worked in an Agile environment with 2 week sprints / Weekly code reviews

Illinois State University Redbird Hackathon
Frontend Developer
Created an application with a team of which received raw data from a Muse headset via EEG scans in order to analyze patterns comparable to known
mental illnesses such as ADHD
Built cognition tests using Android's Software Development Kit to stimulate brain waves while collecting data on response time and memory
Integrated Swift API into the application to simulate a real time response function for contact with various hospitals or medical professions


BikeShop, E-commerce website
? Rendered JSX webpages using React / Redux in conjunction with HTML5 and Material-UI framework
? Implemented Sequelize, Express, and middleware to store user data in relational databases
? Used Mocha and Chai for backend testing
TreeWalk, a Nature Walk Application
? Utilized Google Maps API to create custom location pins and search locations
? Used React / Redux to render description cards, custom navigation bars, and information pins
? Drupal CMS used to store user input / data and user validation purposes
GhostCalorie, Capstone project
? Created different pages using React/Redux in conjunction with HTML5 and Materialize- UI CSS Framework
? Interfaced with the Nutritionix API in order to access and parse large food database
? Used Victory.js for front end infographics and metrics