
Aviation Cinema, ?Dallas TX —?Media Specialist  ------------? ? Supervisor Barak Epstein  September 2014 - PRESENT  ? Responsible for editing trailers for events and movie showings  ? Assemble clips of interviews and video during film festivals  ? Assist shooting video at events and festivals  ? Create content to be posted on social media platforms 
Pet Media Inc. , ?Bennington VT— ?Video Editor  ------------? Supervisor Tracie Hotchner  May 2018 - PRESENT  ? Create trailers for upcoming film festivals  ? Assemble film submissions into single program for the festival 
Bold Entity, ?Dallas TX— ?Social Media Assistant  ------------? Supervisor Valorie Jimenez  April 2018 - January 2019  ? Responsible for content creation for client social media  platforms and social media campaigns  ? Filming/editing videos and photos and creating graphics 
Barnes and Noble, ?Dallas TX—?Customer Service  ------------ ?Supervisor Ken Roza  August 2015 - June 2018  ? Helping customers by answering any questions they had and  helping them find what they were looking for while also  performing other duties around the store. 
KAMR News Station, ?Amarillo TX—?Video Editor  August 2010 - August 2011  ? Acquired and edited all incoming video media while meeting  strict deadlines.