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Joselin Flores
2303 W 78th Pl
Inglewood, Ca 90305
Customer service skills
Handling money/ rapidly counting
Working under pressure
Bilingual (spanish and english)
Being able to take calls and help customers with their questions.
Being able to organize efficiently
Can help organize events
July 2018-November 2018
Fallas Paredes, Inglewood Ca - Cashier/recovery
Had to interact with customers. Welcomed customers to the store and present a friendly attitude.
I was entrusted of money. I had to give exact change back to the customer and count the money at a rapid speed. Through that I developed a skill of counting money fast.
I had to work under pressure. The store had limited slow computers and I dealt with the pressure of the computers breaking down while there was a line of customers. Also, there would only be one computer working and I had to quickly attend to each customer.
I was also put in recovery or in stocking when a cashier was already in place.
I answered calls and attended to the customers needs by telling them the specials and/or checking if the store had what the customer was looking for.
December 2018-
Cold Stone Creamery- Team Member
Working at a fast pace while also maintaining composure.
Had morning responsibilities. For example: getting the store ready all by myself.
Through this job I also developed strong memory. I had to remember each order for each customer while also maintaining a friendly environment.
I also had to answer the phone and take orders as well as give the customer further information about each cake and menu the store had.
Janurary 2015-2016
Assistant Photographer
Photographed clothes at different angles.
Downloaded images into a computer and made different folder for each garment.
I put the different garments on mannequins and made to fit perfectly before I took pictures.
Volunteer Work
Februrary 2018-April 2018
Library volunteer
Helped organize the library. I also helped decorate when holidays came around.
I helped organize different events hosted by the library and helped those involved follow instructions.
I reviewed books that the library was going to order and made sure if they were worthy of purchasing or not.

Animo Inglewood CHarter High School- High School Diploma
Graduated high school with a 3.3 GPA.
I was also a part of many clubs most important being women’s empowerment, black student union, and gay-straight alliance. We organized fundraisers to gather money. I also created lessons for certain days and presented them to the group.