Massage Therapist
Massage Therapist

Reclaimed Being Massage is hiring!

This thriving Greenpoint practice is seeking a experienced, naturally giving, intuitive, and knowledge seeking massage therapist to help grow this already booming practice.

Applicants should be willing and excited to take their, already well thought out sequence and blend and enhance it with Reclaimed Being’s signature style. I practice THERAPEUTIC / MEDICINAL MASSAGE and most clients seeking me out are looking to for this type of work. My very particular and unique technique is very productive yet relaxing simultaneously.

Applicants must be willing and able to run the practice on their own which includes checking clients in and out, room maintenance, receiving payment, and rebooking their clients when needed.

Pay rate is 45% and will be hired as an independent contractor with a 3 month probationary period and must maintain a 5 star rating.

SHIFT IS SATURDAY-MONDAY or 2 of those days minimum.

If you’re ready to enhance your practice, sharpen your skills, take on responsibility with room for growth, apply and reach your potential!
