Software Developer
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Software Developer


Front-end Technologies: JavaScript, React, Bootstrap, Angular, Html5, CSS
Back-end Technologies: Java, Spring MVC, Hibernate, Node.js, Express.js, JavaEE
Databases: Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, DB4O, MongoDB, PostgreSQL
Other skills: Operating systems, Data Structures, Jira, Git, Bitbucket, GitHub, AWS, S3
Tools: Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ, Postman, Apache NetBeans, MongoDB Compass


EngineerBabu Indore MP, India

Java Developer October 2018-June 2019
• Built JSPs and servlets for food, Travel and ecommerce web enterprise applications
• Analyzed the code, designed GUIs with JSP, JS, Html & CSS and debugged the code which increased the code efficiency by 30%
• Implemented J2EE design patterns and Microservice Architecture which catalyzed the development process
• Developed servlets and modules of EngineerBabu website in Java which increased the website traffic by 28% within 40 Days
• Consistently improved multiple components focus on performance and design, also developed UI of product landing pages
• Utilized frameworks such as Hibernate and Spring for persistence and application layers

ACADEMIC PROJECTS Northeastern University, Boston MA
Wanderlust Travels (Angular, Node.js, JavaScript, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, MongoDB) November 2019

• Designed an interactive Travel Agency website with Node.js as backend to handle requests
• Achieved session management in the application with multiple hierarchy of choosing travel packages
• Organized all the login information of users in MongoDB with PayPal as payment gateway.

Make my Home (Java, DB4O, Swing, JavaFX Date Picker) December 2019

• Formulated an Application for solving real time construction and furniture making problems
• Used DB4O to store user information who are logging into the application
• Implemented email functionality and order tracking system for 3 different user profiles

Weather App (React, Node.js, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Express.js) January 2020

• Devised an App using React which helps users to get the next 5 days weather prediction with icons
• Computed hourly weather through city and country’s name by using Open weather API and used Ajax for timely weather update.

Fake Website Detector (Node.js, HTML, CSS) February 2020

• Developed a chrome extension to check Fake websites by analyzing the content of the website in 36 hours
• Used Node for checking the malicious content from a predefined dataset

Fiesta Bites (Microsoft SQL Server, Lucid chart) June 2020

• Designed Entity-relationship diagram for a full-fledged Food Delivery application.
• Implemented the database to store, find, update, delete, Create details of Customers, Restaurants and Delivery Drivers and Order Details. Along with many other entities.
• Protected the passwords and login details through Data Encryption