Sanchita Chakravarty
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Sanchita Chakravarty

MD professional with 22+years of rich in depth & extensive teaching experience of Basic Medical Sciences (Physiology) for Medical, Dental, Nursing, Nutrition & undergraduate courses. Passion for academic excellence.
Have a high level of creativity, communication skill techniques, technical abilities, teamwork and flexibility in my personality. I am innovative, a quick learner and have a miscible and pleasant personality.
Computer proficiency utilizing current and new computerized teaching technology and familiarity with communicating platforms such as Black Board, Moodle, and Exam Soft team
Areas of interest are reproductive, renal physiology, cardiovascular biology and/or mechanisms of hypertension. Teaching specialties include pulmonary, cardiovascular, renal, acid-base, and general/cell Physiology.
Can provide problem based learning courses, instruction in study/test taking skills and pathophysiology