Manasi S. Resume
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Manasi S. Resume

Software Developer Intern, Bright Cloud International Inc. (Summer 2018 & 2019)
- Designed and programmed virtual reality software for the rehabilitation of patients with dementia.
- Developed the language-oriented games on Unity3D platform. Created a virtual reality spelling game for
patients to use on Facebook’s Oculus Quest (virtual reality headset). JavaScript and C#.

College Study Groups (July 2020-present)
Built platform and algorithm to create optimal study groups for college students to enhance social interactions and promote remote learning. Achieved over 550 student sign ups for the fall semester. Technologies Used: Django, Python, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, AWS

Founder & President of Girls Create (October 2018-present)
Founded a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to closing the gender gap in science and engineering fields. Reached 500+ internationally via hands-on workshops, programming classes, and speaker events.

Languages & Technologies:
- Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Visual Studio Code, Unity3D, AdobeXD
- Java, Python, HTML, CSS, C# (prior experience), JavaScript (prior experience)