Entry Level
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Entry Level

Reem H usse in

Highly focused and versatile with skills and proficiency in Microsoft Office programs. Strong planner and problem
solver who readily adapts to change, great team player and also works well independently with minimal supervision.
Able to juggle multiple priorities and meet tight deadlines without compromising quality.


?� Off ice Admi nist rato r

June 2018 - August 2019
? Handled office tasks such as filing, data entry, reordering supplies
? Assessed inventory output on a weekly to monthly basis to identify trends in productivity
? Trained and recruited new employees
? Helped set up and managed new department
? Coordinated with customer service and logistics departments
Speakeasy Grill an d Ve nues
?� Ma nage r/As sist ant Event Co ord in at or

March 2015 - June 2017
? Coordinated schedules for restaurant owner to approve
? Instructed others on how to set up and break down for events or dinner parties
? Worked closely with chef and cooks to determine menus for events
? Completed restaurant opening and closing procedures
? Scheduled appointments with future customers for venues to rent out
Angel Auto S.A.�
? P roje ct C onsu ltan t

June 2015 - August 2015
? Analyzed the gathered information to form several recommendations for the company to improve
? Interviewed employees, management, and clients to aid in consultancy
? Prepared reports, proposals, and presentations
? Studied different dimensions such as the current Greek economy, trends and lifestyles of consumers,
competition and more to find best strategies
? Oversaw financial statements including cash flow, net profit, and revenue to find problematic areas

SuperFun Yoga�
?Pro ject Con sult ant

May 2015- June 2015
? Worked closely with the CEO to determine which approach fits best with the mission statement
? Developed product integration strategies
? Researched and documented organizational reviews, sales, and finances
? Overlooked the target market to extend the products and services to a wider range of clients
? Grew Twitter following by 15% by curating interesting content and building relationships


Vir g in ia C om mon w ea lt h U niv e rs it y
? � I n te rn atio n al B usin ess D eg re e

December 2017, Richmond, VA �