Destyni Collett
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Destyni Collett


I�m very competent w ith not only lea ding projects but taking on the little and

tedious jobs as well . On e of my bigg est strengths is learning the ins and outs

of everything that g oes on i n my day -to-day environment, in opposition to

keeping my head down and onl y le arni ng what I need to know to do my own job. I

can manage, answer q uest ions , br ains torm, give thorough and understandable

directions, and take dir ecti ons quit e well in any environment.

I�ve gained skills i n se vera l co mput er programs such as Microsoft Office,

Excel, and Powerpoin t as wel l as Goo gle Docs, Slides, Classroom, Survey, and

� �

Hamilton Herald-Ne ws, Hami lton , TX
? � Int ern

October 2018 - August 20 19

? Wrote and edi ted my own colu mn, titl ed �Des Says�

? Wrote feature st orie s an d ne ws s tori es, etc. for various other sections

of the newspa per

? Assisted the off ice by p erfo rmin g sm aller tasks such as
� �
? typing

? proofing art icle s

? organiza tion aro und the offi ce

Hamilton Farmers M arke t, H amil ton, TX
? � Cas hier

May 2018 - August 201 9

? Performed as a c ashi er

? Managed stock

? Sharpened ski lls in cust omer ser vice , esp. with problem solving and

handling cash

Babysitting for Se vera l Fa mili es, Hamilton, TX

2015 - Present

? Cared for as man y as 5 k ids at a tim e, including cooking and cleaning

? References in clu de

? Riley an d As hley Gar dner

? Shaylor and Meli ssa Crai g

? Haley an d Ma rk W ard

Choreographing for Ham ilto n Hi gh School Colorguard

September 2019 - Nov emb er 2 019

? Created chore ogr aphy tha t co rres pond ed to the team�s abilities

? Provided inst ruc tion al v ideo s te achi ng the choreography

? Everything wa s p rovi ded well in time for the team to learn and perfect

the choreogra phy bef ore perf ormi ng


Hamilton High Scho ol
? � Hig h Sc hool Dip loma

August 2015 - May 201 9, Hami lton , TX

Graduated as 17th out of 54 in m y cl ass at a public high school

Took dual credit and hon ors clas ses in History, Government, Economics, and


Participated in sever al UIL even ts

Extracurriculars incl ude d th eatr e, y earbook, FCCLA, band, color guard, and


Pratt Institute
? � Prec olle ge 2 018

July 2018, New York, New Yor k

Took college-level cl ass es f ocus ed o n Creative Writing, including a Creative

Writing Workshop and Int ro t o Wr itin g, and an Art History class

Participated in the m aki ng o f an end -of-course anthology made entirely by


Performed poetry in a n e nd-o f-co urse showcase

Central Texas Coll ege
? � Dua l Cr edit Cla sses

August 2015 - May 20 19

Took over 20 credit h our s of col lege -level classes in English, History,

Government, and Econo mic s fr om C TC w hile also taking honors high school classes


? Published by
? Aust in I nter nati onal Poe try Fest ival

? Published in
? Sond er M idwe st
? Iss ue 2

? Published by the
? Kent ucky Cou ncil of Teac hers of Engl ish/ELA


Asa Hamilton, Hamilto n H igh Scho ol B and Director

(254) 413-904 8

ahamilton@ham ilt onis d.or g

Ashley Gardner, babys itt ing clie nt

(817) 296-605 2