Yogesh Sawant Resume
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Yogesh Sawant Resume

YOGESH JAYWANT SAWANT ------------ | ------------
Github: ------------/YJSawant | LinkedIn: ------------/in/yogesh-sawant-1975ba92/ EXPERIENCE
Tata Consultancy Services(TCS), Mumbai Sept 2016-Aug 2018
Assistant System Engineer-Software Engineer
• Developed AWS(Amazon Web Services) Prod and Non Prod Infrastructure for Websites of Westpac Banking Co- operation Australia and designed JENKINS(CI/CD)Automation Scripts in BASH SHELL and PYTHON, which improved application performance by 10%.(Amazon S3,SNS,SQS,Elastic Beanstalk, Lambda, CloudWatch, SES, Amazon EC2,Amazon Cloud Watch, Amazon CloudFormation, Docker containerization)
• Created Small Web Applications for Internal portal of the bank in .NET,C# and MySQL.
• Responsible for Code Development, Optimization and Deployment of Westpac Banking Co-op Websites which were
developed in JAVA using AEM(Adobe Enterprise Manager) which was well recorded in JIRA Confluence.
• Built and Designed Front End for St. George Banking Co-op., Australia in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, GITHUB
and Bootstrap for duration of 1 year. The Agile methodology was used in Software development. EDUCATION
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York Aug 2018- Expected Dec 2019
Master of Science, Computer Science and Engineering (GPA:3.3/4)
• Relevant Courses: Algorithm Design and Analysis, Computer Vision and Image Processing, Object Oriented Analysis Design and Implementation, Computer Security, Project Development(Full Stack Development),Software Engineering Concepts, Data Intensive Computing
University of Mumbai, Mumbai, India Aug 2012 – May 2016
Bachelor of Engineering, Computer Engineering(GPA:3.5/4)
• Motor Bike Rental Service Web Application Jan 2019-Mar 2019 Built a full stack web application which makes the use of Serverless Architecture for booking Motor Bikes and deployed it using Amazon Lambda(NodeJS),API Gateway, CloudFormation, DynamoDB, CloudWatch, SNS,SQS,S3.Development was done in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, ReactJS, NodeJS, Bootstrap, PostgreSQL
• Exploratory Data Analysis of CDC Flu and Influenza Data Jan 2019-Feb 2019 Explored the real Flu data mined by Center for Disease Control(CDC) and replicated their analysis graph plots and heat maps in ‘R’ with 95% replication. Collected Tweet Data using Twitter Restful API performed data cleaning and comparative analysis using R Shiny Web Application https://yogesh-amit.shinyapps.io/dic_heatmap_deployment/
• Choreographic Lineage Full Stack Web Application Development Jan 2019 -On-going Implementing Web application(http://choreographiclineage.buffalo.edu/) in PHP, JavaScript, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, NodeJS, jQuery for visualization of lineage in various dance artists.
• Computer Vision and Image Processing Projects at UB Nov, Oct, Sept 2018 Presented project which delineated Image Morphology, Point Detection and Hough Transform Implementation Implemented in PYTHON and OPENCV, Panorama creation using Image Stitching. Displayed Epipolar Geometry in two images. Furthermore Implemented k-means clustering from scratch and applied to image color quantization. Edge ,Key-Points(SIFT) and Template Detection implementation in PYTHON without using OPENCV libraries.
• Bachelor’s Degree Project – Crowd Estimation Using Face Detection July 2015-May 2016 Developed a simple learning machine which counts people in crowd using face detection.(MATLAB,JAVA)
• Drupal Web Development and AWS Infrastructure for MNDAction. May 2018-Aug 2018 Built a Web Application in DRUPAL PHP, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3 and MYSQL, along with it I Designed an AWS Infrastructure(Drupal Environment) for Australian Based NGO by leveraging AWS Services.(Link: ------------.au/) .Development for infrastructure was done in PYTHON ,SHELL and JSON by making use of AWS CloudFormation and AWS Lambda.
• Programming Languages: C, JAVA,MATLAB, Python , C# ,R
• Web Technologies:HTML5,CSS3,JavaScript, Bootstrap, PHP, jQuery, Restful Services, JSON , ReactJS
• Databases: MySQL, Oracle10g, MS SQL Server
• Software : Splunk , Puppet, Jenkins, Stackdriver ,Nagios, GITHUB, Dynatrace, OPENCV,AWS,MS Excel, GIT
• Operating Systems: Windows, Fedora, Ubuntu, CentOS, Red hat LINUX.,MAC OS.