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Full Stack Developer - Deltoyd
• Created web app that allows users to compare personal physique measurements with bodybuilders,
upload progress pictures, and set monthly goals. Used PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS.

• Implemented registration and authentication system using password hashing and verifying.

• Built PHPMyAdmin database to store user data. Used prepared statements to prevent SQL injection.

• Designed web layout from scratch with UI responsiveness. Created form validation and handling
using HTTP POST.

• Created interactive SVG image map where users can click on a body part to select their muscle group.

• Implemented automatic emails for password reset using PHPMailer.

Agile Developer - SAP
• Optimized login load time for SAP Analytics Cloud by 30% using Akamai, with engineering team.

• Reduced 25% of team’s test cases by automating manual regression testing using JavaScript and the Jasmine framework.

• Fixed backend and frontend bugs for enterprise cloud product used by 2000 customers. Implemented error handling for CDN. Used JavaScript and CSS.

• Addressed critical issue where 50% of customer data was missing in product.

• Implemented HTTP server using Node.js and Maven to host static files on local development machines once the files are moved to CDN database.

• Identified vulnerabilities in codebase. Modified methods to protect user data from SQL injection.

• Worked closely with UI designers and engineering team to create consistent interface from mockups