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Master of Science in Mechatronic Systems Engineering
Lawrence Technological University 2018
GPA: 3.88
Research assistantship with industry partners
Applied engineering R&D project experience
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga 2014
GPA: 3.8
Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society
FE certified
Corning Inc. 2018-2019
Measurement Systems Engineer (Machine Vision group)
Execute automation and machine vision design projects $10K-$10M
? Rescued a production critical custom machine build project after vendor set-backs
-Commuted across state to work at vendor for 4 months
-Two machines are in production 24/7 with plans to build a third
-Custom algorithms are being leveraged in other innovation projects
? Developed an innovative method of evaluating wear and corrosion on production-critical components using Halcon machine vision functions with a C# front end
-Eliminated need for tedious and inaccurate hand measurement
-Took the initiative without solicitation and wrote the code on weekends
-Proof of concept was a success and project funded for industrialization
? Built and programmed a dynamic laser scribing system for automated ware tracking
-Learned VB.NET to program GUI side of system
-Learned TWINCAT3 to program PLC for motion control
-Project being expanded and integrated into multiple production facilities

Faurecia Interior Systems 2016-2017
Research and Innovation Mechatronics Engineering Project Leader
Innovate and design in the R&D mechatronic systems space for vehicle interiors
? Engaged the big-three auto manufactures to collaborate on mechatronic innovations for the vehicle interior -Acquired funding and support from high-profile customer for innovation
-Delivered a premium custom touch panel on time to customer
? Provided mechatronics innovation/support for group HMI and haptic projects
-Built and maintained mechatronic demonstrators for exhibits globally
-Represented the company at innovation showcasing events