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Monica Rifenberrick 1116 Lovell View Drive Knoxville, TN 37932 ------------| ------------| Education: The University of Tennessee, Knoxville May 2019 � Bachelor of Science, Geology and Environmental Studies with GIS Connection Package

East Tennessee Permaculture Research Institute: Knoxville, TN January 2018-August 2018 � Planned new ways to be more efficient with collecting energy through solar panels, hydroponics, and storm water collecting methods � Researched new ways to develop sustainable farming by testing different methods of fertilizing and creating swales for h�gelkultur water systems � Provided enrichment to 15 children from the Boys and Girls Club by growing vegetables
Server at Red Lobster: Knoxville, TN December 2016-Present � Managed customer needs by multiple priorities by taking difficult orders, running food, checking on guest, and keeping the restaurant tidy � Handled multiple task at once and informed guess details about meals

Member of SPEAK: University of Knoxville, TN August 2015- present � Presented ideas for improving sustainability on the UT campus and worked with The Mug Project which provides incentives for people to refill cups, rather than using disposables � Volunteered at Pond Gap Elementary by helping prepare garden beds for planting seeds
Volunteer for Keep Knoxville Beautiful: Knoxville, TN March 2017-present � Resolved problems with liter in creeks in South Knoxville
Volunteer for the Forestry department in Knoxville, TN March 2017 � Taught middle school students about the urban forest � Coached middle school students how to climb a tree with rope and a carabiner

skills: Experience with Microsoft Office Suite, CSS, Dreamweaver, Java subscript, ArcGIS, R studio, HTML, Terrset, and 4 wheel electronic forklifts