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University of Wisconsin-Madison:
B.S Computer Science: 3.42/4.00 Expected Graduation: May 2019
International Centre For Applied Sciences, Manipal:
B.S Computer Science: 3.81/4.00 Aug 2015- May 2017

Received a RANK CERTIFICATE for securing 3rd rank amongst all the Computer Science sections in the second and third semesters at Manipal University, ICAS.


Data Structures, Artificial Intelligence, Object Oriented Programming, Database Management Systems, Machine learning, Computer Architecture, Operating Systems, Networks, Software Engineering, Language Processors, Applied Cryptogrophy, Data Science, Assembly Language and Discrete Mathematics.


MeasureUp Application:
• Built an app from scratch with a group of 8 people that allows users to measure the dimensions of any object by taking its video.
• Used Android Studio with ARCore for all the front-end development work and the SQLite Database to store the relevant information regarding the object.
• Used Java with OpenCV library to build the algorithm that calculates all the required measurements.

Map Reduce:
• Built a Map Reduce infrastructure that is responsible for parallel processing using an array of hash table in C language.
• There are different number of mappers mapping data into the hash table and when all the data gets mapped, the reducers reduce the data from the hash table.
• The hash table is divided into partitions so that when the actual mapping is done each reducer can work on a separate partition to support concurrency and the work is done at a faster rate.

UNIX Shell:
• Built a UNIX shell in C. The shell’s capable of executing some built-in commands like exit, path and cd and all other features of a basic bash shell.
• The shell also has features like redirection (>) and can execute parallel commands too.

N-gram Chat-Bot:
• Created an n-gram chat-bot by generating random sentences using n-gram language models.
• Used Java with concepts like probability, language modelling, sparse storage etc.
• Generated different words, combining them into a sentence, with the help of unigram, bigram and trigram models.


• Member of the official Computer Science Club (Club [0]) of Manipal University, ICAS.


• Technical: C, C++, JAVA, MATLAB, Python, Git Version Control
• Language: Fluent in English and Hindi (written and spoken).