Personal training at anytime fitness
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Personal training at anytime fitness

Ryan Hundley
Personal trainer
Related Courses
Ryan Hundley
Lexington, KY
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ACE certified, Red Cross CPR/AED certified, Experienced lifter (5 year of power/muscle building training), accomplished baseball pitcher, excellent at time management.
General Biology
Aug. 2015-April 2016
Developed a large base for my understanding of all living things and how they interact with each other to produce a synergistic relationship.
Fitness and Wellness
Jan. 2016-April 2016
Helped develop my understanding of how the body moved and the importance of nutrition when it comes to healthy living or performance.
Comparative Vertibrae Anatomy
Aug. 2016-April 2017
Taught the difference between physical/muscular function and development of vertebral organisms in comparison to the human body.
Human Anatomy and Physiology
Jan. 2018- Dec. 2018
Helped develop most of my knowledge related to the human body and how it functions. Also helped me understand all of the muscularity and joint functions within the human body and how it interacts to produce a fluent and pain free range of motion. Most important course I’m helping me prepare for the ACE certification exam.
Aug. 2018-April 2019
Helped me understand the body and how it interacts within itself on the molecular level, including metabolic/glucose pathways.

Kentucky Wesleyan College
Bachelors in Biology (Chemistry Minor) Attended: Aug. 2015- April 2019
Owensboro, KY
? Brown Scholar
? Freshman Excellence Chemistry Scholarship
? 4 yer varsity baseball player
? 2x all conference selection
ACE certified personal trainer (6/30/2019 - 6/30/2021) CPR/AED certified
4 year varsity baseball pitcher
? 2 time all conference