Jessica�s work history
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Jessica�s work history

Hello, my name is Jessica Blum, I overall like to learn more about what I can do to grow a career path. I want to learn and I want to invest myself in this company.

Here are some of the Jobs i have worked in the past 9 years that I've started working and gaining experience to where I am today.

XPO Logistics- Material handler :
I Started out as a contingent worker and earned my Full time employee status for about 4 months working for XPO. I took over the Kitting Pharmacy for 1 year and decided I wanted to tackle KP area here at CBF. I can share references of individuals who have worked with me before as well
Start date: 07/28/18 -02/10/2020
Phone Number:

Randstad- Material handler for XPO
I was a temporary employee here for about 4 months working for XPO to get hired on as a Full time employee, i got the chance to work with the population team moving the racks and be apart of the builds and actually see how these data center machines are built from Start to finish (really cool process actually)

Oxbow Animal Health- Production worker
I worked here for 3 years before I worked at XPO. I was a production worker packaging bulk 50 pound boxes of hay and reassuring the quality of good hay and helped pick orders in the Warehouse on the extra overtime hours.

Express (Clothing store) sales associate - I worked at the Clothing retail store for 3 years before I decided to work a physical job. This job was really customer focused

Hy- Vee Salad bar attendant - I worked here when i was in high school after i got home from school and over the weekends to make some extra money

Here are some professional References to cross reference to my work and who I am
Name: Dr. Fink
I worked at Animal Center West Omaha for a few years walking dogs and taking care of the caged animals in 2011-13

Name: Christina Hilario
I work with her currently for XPO

Name: Brianne Wyatt
She is one of the supervisors for the kitchen where i work

Iggy Cockcroft
He was the executive chef at my work at XPO

Jim Clark
He was my supervisor at XPO

Thank you for taking the time to read through some of the Job experience i have had over these past few years