Computer Science
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Computer Science

Xinyu Li 22 Hudson PL Apartment 77, Ithaca, NY 14850 | ------------ | ------------

• University of Pennsylvania | MS in Embedded Systems | GPA: 3.90 (out of 4) | Sep 2017 – May 2019
• Green Belt (Design for Six Sigma) | 2015
• Tongji University (China) | BE in Electronics & Information Engineering | GPA: 87 (out of 100) | Sep 2010 – Jul 2014

• Languages: C/C++, Java, Python Software: Eclipse, Altium Designer, Atmel Studio
• Hardware: Arduino, SAMW25, breadboard, PCB OS: Linux, Windows
• Protocols: I2C, SPI, UART, low-power wireless communication

University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA) | Teaching Assistant | Aug 2018 – Present
? CIS 505: Software Systems (under Prof. Linh Thi Xuan Phan)
? CIS 548: Operating Systems (under Prof. Boon Thau Loo)

Opex Corporation (Moorestown, NJ) | Engineering Intern | Jun – Aug 2018
? Wrote test cases and documentation to evaluate current wireless communication system with the new IEEE 802.15.4 Ultra Wideband (UWB) technology using one of Decawave’s evaluation kits
? Conducted experiments and collected data for different parameter settings (e.g., packet duration, data rate, preamble length, pulse repetition frequency and antenna orientation)
? Implemented two TDMA schemes for multiple traffic controllers using the same UWB channel
? Developed a command-line interface between ARM controllers’ virtual com port and PC

General Motors (Shanghai) | Vehicle Electronic Engineer | Jul 2014 – Dec 2016
? Sketched CAD drawings and designed mechanical layout for the prototype of wheel speed sensor.
? Resolved Buick GL8 wheel speed sensor durability problems; reducing part failure rate to less than 0.0015 per year.
? Designed a testing bench and published a paper entitled "A Study on Wheel Speed Sensor Reliability Testing Methods".
? Debugged sensor issues using oscilloscope and SPY3.

1. FPGA Optimization (C) | Oct 2018 – Dec 2018
? Develop a compressor that can receive data in real time via Ethernet port, break input into chunks, screen duplicate chunks using SHA-256 and compress non-duplicate chunks with LZW compression algorithm.
? Utilize multi-level parallelism with dual processors, multi-threads, pipeline, vector, DMA and streaming data path.
2. Simple Cloud (C++) | Jan 2018 – May 2018
? Built multi-threaded SMTP and POP3 email servers using socket programming.
? Developed a stress tolerant chat server with features such as message priorities, fair queueing, and ordering.
? Built distributed backend servers to employ key-value store (like Google's Bigtable) with fault tolerance and recovery.
3. Linux Simulation (C) | Jan 2018 – May 2018
? Built a shell to include features such as foreground/background processes, file redirection, multi-stage pipelines, job control, and asynchronous signal handling.
? Implemented a FlatFAT file system with a FAT (file allocation table) and fixed-size entries.
? Implemented a simulation of the MMU (Memory Management Unit) and page replacement algorithm (FIFO and LRU).
4. IoT Netflix Socks (Embedded C) | Jan 2018 – May 2018
? Built a device to detect if one fall asleep while watching Netflix using SAMW25, accelerometer, and infrared diodes.
? Designed the power management circuit, drew the schematics and PCB layout in Altium
? Developed the command-line interface, bootloader, and cloud connection (with wifi chip and MQTT protocol).
5. Ping-Pong Game with Backlight and Sound (Embedded C) | Sep 2017 – Nov 2017
? Interfaced an LCD with Arduino Uno and wrote a high-level driver for an LCD display to draw the game elements.
? Interfaced a touch screen and an accelerometer to control the Ping Pong game
? Designed a computer-player vs human-player version of the game.
6. Intra-domain Routing Algorithms (Python) | Aug 2017 – Sep 2017
? Implemented distributed distance-vector and link-state algorithms in python and perform testing with a network simulator. This program can handle unexpected link failure; link costs changes and routing table updating, as well as forward packets on correct lowest-cost paths.